Friday, May 28, 2010

Very Vocal Recording Session 2010

Last weekend, I went to Very Vocal Music Studios to get some experience recording. I was pretty happy that “My Life Would Suck Without You” won my blog pole for the song I should record. My goal this year has been to stretch and challenge my vocal ability. This is one song that I’ve been working on hard to master. Despite struggling with an ongoing sore throat, I was ecstatic with how the song turned out at the recording session. We did a couple of takes and I can’t wait to hear the finished product once it’s mixed and back to me, which should be at the end of June.

We also had some time to do two other recordings. Unfortunately, with the troubles plaguing my throat lately, I thought that Melissa Ethridge’s “Only One” might be a little too hard on my voice and I want to be on top form for June 25th! Instead, I opted for Suzie McNeil’s “Broken and Beautiful” and Leann Rimes’s “Life Goes On.” I had to do a few more takes for these but I’m pretty pleased with the how things went overall and I think the mix will be fantastic.

I did setup my camcorder to record the session. However, we weren’t able (read, I totally forgot about the problem with hearing the music. Silly girl!) to hook up to the mixer and was only able to capture the vocal in the video. However, with some tricky video editing, I was able to insert the background track afterwards. It isn’t perfect – probably a nano-second lag time – but it’s darn close and I think sounds pretty good.


So check it out! If you do, you’ll get a sneak preview of one of my performance songs at the Very Vocal Showcase 2010 on June 25th!


  1. "wow who great-auntie, go go go(as Penny-Lee whoops you up with her arm). Great job we love to hear you sing, but if i could give a suggesting it would be don't hold back beacause i know there is more in there, give it your all(from your guts). lol

  2. Thanks! I love the feedback. The actual recording is up on the blog now. Hopefully, it shows I'm not holding back! *LOL*
