Friday, March 2, 2012

'War" Wounds, #project365

I'm the Marketing Coordinator for a local company in Edmonton. It's that time of year again: Conference Time! One of my biggest conferences to get ready for is quickly approaching.

One of my preparation activities is to do a "dry run" of our booth setup. The purpose is to make sure that everything needed for the booth is accounted for and to identify anything that is missing or needs to be repaired. It's not my favorite thing. It's dusty and dirty and I usually break every single nail. I get beat up pretty bad.

So, today's photo is what is left of my poor hand. It looks like I have old lady hands! Yuck! Both of them are raw and sore and cut up. But at least everything was in order and no major issues came up. I'm abotu 90% ready for the show.

Which is always a good thing!

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