Friday, February 17, 2012

With Gusto! #project365

It's funny where you find encouragement and inspiration.

It's been a bit of a rough week. I've been home sick, except for the 6.5 hours I managed to drag my sorry butt into work. I ad to back out of worship because i feel so bad.

As of this writing, I've had three hours sleep but can't seem to get rest. I've been feeling bad that I haven't been able to work out and I actually miss it. I'm behind on my weekly goals.

So I was feeling pretty sorry for myself.

Basically, first world problems.

Yesterday, I'm at the doctor and while I was waiting, the following phrase on the wall calendar in the examination room caught my eye. It was just the words of encouragement I needed. And bonus: this morning, I found out I am on track with my weight loss goals. I'm almost a third of the way there.

It was the kick in the rear end I needed. Once I'm well, I'm ready to pursue my dreams with gusto!

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