Monday, October 25, 2010

First Snowfall 2010

Another weekend is over and we woke up to a dusting of snow. It leaves me wondering where the year has gone. It's hard to believe that in two short months, 2010 will be a memory.

Maybe it's the changing seasons or the darkness that happens earlier and earlier, but I find myself just a little bit sad. Thoughts about all things I attempted and came short, the relationships that maybe didn't get the time they should or wondering just how much further I should be in my life and career make me wonder if I've waste this year.

I know I'm being too hard on myself. I worked two jobs in the time allotted for one. I had the most amazing concert to date. I saw Italy and fell in love with the art and culture. I started school. I took some photographs I love.

So why this sense that I could do and be more?

Maybe it's because 2011 will bring upon my 40th birthday. From my 20's until I left my first professional company, I grew leaps and bounds professionally and personally. In some ways, I feel like I'm stagnating, fighting the same old things.

Or is it that life is back to "normal" right now and I get bored when things are too routine?

So that begs the question...

How much of life should be ordinary and how much should be exciting and thrilling? And what is the right level of each? Am I just addicted to the next big thing?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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